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27 – 28 MARCH 2023

Registration Form

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the first Facilities Conference hosted at St David’s Marist, Johannesburg.

Please complete the online registration form – OR return the completed form by 10 February, 2023

Registrations: Cathy Braans PR

E-mail: 0834697217 or 0824941020

Personal Details

Special Requirements:

Registration Fee (VAT inclusive)

Conference Fee excluding accommodation, including lunches and tea/coffee:

Registrations close on 28 February 2023

Methods of Payment

Direct Deposit / EFT:

Bank Details are:
Name of Account: C Braans
Name of Bank: ABSA
Account Number: 4063254983
Branch Code: 632005
Reference: Facilities 2023/ School name

Once you have made a deposit or transfer, please scan and email the proof of payment to Cathy Braans: Schools Conference Registrations – Email:

Payments must be received before or on the specific dates mentioned to avoid automatic conversion to a higher registration fee.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made after the 10th February 2023 will incur a 50% charge on their registration fee.
Cancellations made after the 1 March 2023 will incur a 100% charge on their registration fee. Cancellation needs to be communicated in writing to a member of the organizing committee and approved response there-of.


The conference organising committee for the Facilities Conference 2023 will endeavor to assure that your attendance at the conference is as comfortable as reasonably possible. St David’s, the organizing committee, appointed agents or other sub-contractors cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, or inconvenience (of whatever nature) that might arise. The conference program is strictly provisional and is subject to change without notice.